Title: Sakura Nihon kitte katarogu = Sakura catalogue of Japanese stamps.
Publisher: Nihon Yushu Kyokai, 2011.
Part of the Meter Stamp Society's donation included a few histories of Pitney-Bowes. Here's one. Can you tell by the cover that it was published in the 1970s?
We've got a a few more history books-- one describes the story of the British mail system and a children's book with fantastic illustrations that includes a cool map of the Pony Express route. Also a history of Patagonia, Arizona by historian and retired police officer Stan Benjamin. Our Arizona history collection continues to grow!
Title: First post: from Penny Black to the present day.
Author: Peter Davies and Ben Maile.
Publisher: Quiller Press, 1990.
And now a complete list of all our recent arrivals:
- Bưu hoa Việt-Nam = Timbres-poste pur collection du Viet-Nam = Postage stamps of Viet-Nam
- Catalogue descriptif des varietes de France du type "blanc" a nos jours (1900-1949) by Wanos et de Belleville
- Collect meter stamps: pt 1 beginner by R. Peck
- Collect meter stamps: pt 2 advanced by R. Peck
- First post: from Penny Black to the present day by Peter Davies and Ben Maile
- The history of Pitney Bowes by S.T. Roberts
- An introduction to the hobby of collecting the postage meter stamps by R.H. Harsh
- KPC-Han'guk up'yo togam = KPC-Korean postage stamp catalogue
- Off like the wind! The first ride of the Pony Express by Michael P. Spradlin ; paintings by Layne Johnson
- Patagonia Arizona by Stan Benjamin
- Sakura Nihon kitte katarogu = Sakura catalogue of Japanese stamps
- State and local official mail / official business slogan meter stamp catalog by Joel A. Hawkins
- The story of Pitney-Bowes by William Cahn
- United States Air Force postal meters: history and usages by Joel A. Hawkins
Auction catalogs:
- The Natalee Grace collection :$bused stamps of the United States part one 1847 to 1861 issues and re-issues, Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc., Sale no. 1024, Thursday, 7 June 2012
- Konigreich Sachsen: die sammlung Horst und Arnim Knapp teil III, Heinrich Kohler, Sale no. 346, 24 September 2011
- The Dr. William A. Litle collection of United States encased postage, Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Sale no. 1029, 3 October 2012
- The Scarsdale collection: part eight: United States match and medicine stamps, Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Sale no. 1030, 3 October 2012
- Mail auction: poste maritime Francaise = French maritime mail, Soler y Llach, 4 June 2012.
USPS Documents:
- Price list, Notice 123
- Postal service-Arizona-Cal Peters paintings-Picacho (Miscellaneous clippings and notes relating to the historical events in the Cal Peters painting featuring Mr. Leonard near Picacho Peak)
- Postal service-Arizona-Cal Peters paintings-Fairbank (Miscellaneous clippings and notes relating to the historical events in the Cal Peters painting featuring Jeff Milton foiling the 1901 Fairbank train robbery)
- Postal service-Arizona-Cal Peters paintings-Mule mail (Miscellaneous clippings and notes relating to the historical events in the Cal Peters painting featuring a mail carrier driving mules to Yuma)
- Postal service-Arizona-Cal Peters paintings-Russell (Miscellaneous clippings and notes relating to the historical events in the Cal Peters painting featuring Captain Gerald Russell discovering the body of a slain mail carrier in the Dragoon Mountains)
- Postal service-Arizona-Cal Peters paintings-Russell (Miscellaneous clippings and notes relating to the historical events in the Cal Peters painting featuring Miscellaneous clippings and notes relating to the historical events in the Cal Peters painting featuring the Wickenburg massacre)